Welcome to the World of Year 6 (POB)

We are a Year 6 Class at Kings' Dubai School in Dubai. We are a really happy and friendly class and we hope you enjoy our blog. Please feel free to read our posts and leave a comment.

Welcome to Class 6POB

Welcome to Class 6POB

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Dubai Rugby 7s Competition

Hi it is Lewis and im going to tell you about the Dubai Rugby 7s

The Rugby 7s is a 3 day event played on the way to al ain. It always held during the last weekend of November. We had a competition at our school with a great prize of winning some tickets to the 7s. It involved both y6 classes but only one winner. The aim of the game was to throw a rugby ball through a hole in an inflatable wall 3 times - you got a points for each time you succesfully made it through. I scored 100 points and so did Euan so it went to sudden death. In sudden death I scored 50 and then so did Euan and then scored 150! Euan missed so thankfully i won. in assembly this week a member of the Arabian Gulf Team is coming to the school in order to present me with my ticket. I'm going to the 7s!


Anonymous said...


The rugby challenge was so much fun. I think the easiest hole to shot through was number 50 because it was the only one i threw at.


Anonymous said...

Hi its Oliver and iv got a poem that i'd like to show u.

Vultures death,no water
Sand is stranded with scorpions

Guess what the place is?

Anonymous said...

It's kirra from Kings Dubai, and I think Olivers poem, he was describing a desert.