Our class has been focusing on an artist for an art exhibition. The artist's name is Henri Rousseau ( 1844 till 1910).He is famous for his paintings of rainforests and tropical areas, the remarkable thing about his masterpeices is that he has never been to any tropical areas - finding his inspiration from the trees and plants from his own garden and botanical parks in Paris. The animals in his pieces were created from childrens books or going to zoos.
We have found a really cool website that you can have a go at making your own Rousseau Jungle. The website is http://www.nga.gov/kids/zone/jungle.htm
Hi its connor
I think rousseas paintings are very intresting because he never visited the jungle and he only used flowers and animals from childrens books.His pictures of the animals are amazing i am loving art this term!!!
thats amazing that he didn't even go to a rainorest!!!
hi 6pob this is charlie forbes. just to tell you that the link to the website is amazing and think you should have a go
p.s that weather pixie must be kind of bored after standing there all the time
hi mr ob ive got to go soon so im leaving one last message that i think that rousseau is a very talented artist and that i like his style of art and that i enjoy drawing his jungles
p.s after international day could u take a picture of the whole class then put it onto the blog along with a post
many thanks charlie
hey guys!that website is wicked,i mean so is that post on henri right?...right?oh man you knew it was me .anyway that myst guy is still here...comeon guys,lets face the facts and science...its bob from man on the moon i mean science has no other way to explain it.Oh and by the way charlie was right about the weater pixie.
Hey everyone!
Working with Roussea (is that spelling right???) Is soooo fun! His paintings are not very lifelike, but are very exciting to look at. I have been on the website and did two copies of my own Roussea painting! I lost one though, but will make another one. I finished doing the sketching on our big A3 pieces of paper, mine looks OK, but Patricks drawing next to mine was amazing! Did I say though out loud? Well it is good. I would like to do some more sketching of his paintings more.
hi mr obrien!
I showed my brother William the make your own Rousseau picture website and...he loved it!
Tom and William Hyett
hi pob
its matthew
Rouueau is an amazing artist i wish i could draw like him
my fauvorite is: surprised!tiger in storm
HI its rakhim!
I think rousseau's paintings are amazing and the fact he had never seen these tropical animals or wildlife is even more amazing!!!!
Mr O'brien
I realy enjoyed the website and the pictures you can choose from are fab!!
Catherine Grimshaw
i just love lerning about rousseau,he has really inspired me to become a better artist.
euan [] []
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