Welcome to the World of Year 6 (POB)

We are a Year 6 Class at Kings' Dubai School in Dubai. We are a really happy and friendly class and we hope you enjoy our blog. Please feel free to read our posts and leave a comment.

Welcome to Class 6POB

Welcome to Class 6POB

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

MYST: Writing

Well we have been soooo busy over the past couple of weeks looking at the amazing world of MYST. We have quite the collection of MYSTical words and phrases and you can read some of our favourites in the comments section of this post. The MYSTical words and phrases have really helped our writing and if you want hear some of the examples check out our Voicethread post.

We will also be acting as MYSTical Guides to the Year 3 children at Kings - helping them play the game and hopefully do some amazing writing which we will add to our blog over the next few weeks.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mr O'Brien!

I really enjoyed working with Y3 on Wednesday and hope to do it again soon.

Tom Hyett

Anonymous said...

Sup everyone,

MYST was soooo fun. I love describing what is in front of us on the computer screen. I loved describing the desert that we came to first and then the conservatory. Working with Mr. McCooes was fun as well. Like everybody else, I would like to do it again. I am really enjoying working with MYST.

Kirra Beckett

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone!

I have decided to tell you guys my website. It isn't blogspot, it is Piczo. The first part is a bit over done, only because it used to be an Avril Levigne website. But I changed it now, so it is all cool. I have been up dating it ever since the summer holidays and I would like you guys to have a look at it when you can. The address it, www.zanessa-zac.piczo.com. There is a page on the class, so be sure to go on that! It is at the bottom of the page list, so you will have to go down the scroll a while. there are polls so vote on those as well. Comment as well please! Thanx.


Anonymous said...


Working with the Yr3's was sooooooo much fun.They came up with really good ideas(some even better than ours).I hope we can work with the Yr3's again sometime.

RAK :-)

Anonymous said...

Mr O'brien
I realy enjoyed doing the Myst with year3 and I jope we do it again soon.They came up with some great descriptions and good words.I realy think that they enjoyed working with us and we did too so all around we were happy!!

Catherine Grimshaw

Anonymous said...

hi it is me charlie

just to note my favourite piece of description i made which inspired most of the class in the savvedro scene and here it is:

"as he lobbed the ball of fire at me it hit the curtains and the room lit up like the fires of hell arising to the surface"

hope you like it bye!

Anonymous said...

hi everyone just coming to tell you about my blog it is http://charliejohnforbes.blogspot.com/ dont search it on google search it on the adress bar and u will be sent straight to it thanks bye and comment on it